· technology · 2 min read

Embrace Compliance as Code

Exploring the benefits of transitioning to a 'compliance as code' model by reflecting on successful implementations of other 'as code' models.

Exploring the benefits of transitioning to a 'compliance as code' model by reflecting on successful implementations of other 'as code' models.

The ‘X as code’ trend represents a modern transformation pathway, where conventional manual, time-consuming tasks are turned into code, thereby simplifying their creation, maintenance, and deployment. The adoption of various “as code” models such as ‘Infrastructure as Code (IaC)’, ‘Policy as Code’, ‘Configuration as Code’, and ‘Diagramming as Code’ has showcased the efficiency and precision a code-centric approach brings forth.

Here are compelling reasons why moving towards ‘compliance as code’ is a prudent decision:

  • Speed. Coding accelerates operations, outperforming graphic-based tools.

  • Generatable. Anything turned into code can be generated by simple ETL or other transformation tools, generative AI, and large code generator ecosystems.

  • Stability. Code remains consistent irrespective of personnel transitions, and during system shifts, it’s simpler to redirect the code to the new system rather than retraining individuals.

  • Future-Ready. Text-based code files are durable and always ready for future references.

  • Trackable Changes:. Version Control Systems like Git enable every change in code to be tracked, fostering a culture of accountability among developers.

  • Continuous Deployment. Code facilitates automated, continuous deployment of changes via CI/CD pipelines, reducing manual intervention.

A great example is ‘Diagramming as Code’, which has helped improve technical visualization. It enables the generation of diagrams directly from code, ensuring accuracy while saving time. This approach simplifies the production and updating of diagrams as systems evolve. Once compliance becomes code, it can be turned into visualizations or other output.

The ‘as code’ models open avenues for leveraging generative AI and other text generators to produce deliverables. By converting processes and tasks into code, AI tools can interact with that code to generate or update configurations, documentation, diagrams, and other critical deliverables. This automation significantly expedites delivery timelines and ensures consistency across various project facets.

Transitioning to ‘compliance as code’ aligns us with modern, proven methodologies seen in other ‘as code’ domains. This transition promises immense value to our technical managers, senior engineers, and product managers by simplifying processes, enhancing transparency, and promoting a culture of continuous improvement and accountability. It’s a strategic move towards bolstering operational efficiency and ensuring a consistent, reliable management and deployment framework.

Compliance as code will also help us eliminate compliant insecurity.

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